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The company held 2015 annual work conference and advanced commendation congress of 2014

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 07-20-2015      Origin: Site

As the Spring Festival is approaching, the company held 2015 annual work conference and advanced commendation congress of 2014, the theme of which was “innovate new engine, against New Normal”. Board chairman Zhang Defan, president Chen Yanda, general manager Wang Baohu with all middle-level cadres, shift leaders, marketing area manager, the party work cadres and advanced workders, all about 170 people attended the conference.

Firstly, general manager Wang Baohu made 2015 business report, the report affirmed the achievements in 2014, which was own to all company staff. The report also pointed out that there’re still some shortage we need to make up, like quality improvement, product development, technology progress, innovation management. The report comprehensively summarized the work in 2014, objectively analyzed the problems in work, the business environment in coming year and made work arrangement of next year. In 2015, company would adhere to the policy of “promote new advantage by quality improvement, enhance competitiveness by cost reduction”, eliminate old problems in management system by reform, innovate work mechanism, enhance competitive according to product development, technology and quality improvement, cost decreasing and benefit increasing. At the same time, the company would also concern about the “soft culture”, pay attention to employee development and corporate culture creation. Finally, general manager Wang Baohu expressed his encouragement and expectations, all the staff here were touched and were determined to do best.

Lately, the conference commended 35 advanced individuals and 9 advanced collectives selected. They got the honor due to their efforts, all the members expressed their honest congratulations. At the end of the meeting, board chairman Zhang Defan did important speech, and pointed out further that 2015 was the year of reform and innovation, all staff shall carry out the work with spirit of reform and concept of innovation according to two main lines of “quality improvement, cost reduction”, he proposed 5 requirements: 1.increase market awareness, adapt to the New Normal; 

2.promote technology innovation, enhance competitiveness; 

3.deepen work of the two main lines, improve adaptation ability to market; 

4. innovate management, enhance employee ability; 

5. give full play to the role of party and labor union.

Wang Baohu, general manager of the 2015 Business Report


Chen Yanda president to award winners


Zhang Defan, chairman of the "advanced sector" award


Wang Baohu, general manager of the "advanced science and technology workers" award


Zhang Defan, chairman of the Shaoxing City, the ten outstanding employees Awards


Zhang Defan, chairman of the speech



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